Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,462    [ Give / Take ]


45 entries this month

23:46 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 1,271


i am so tiered of schoo. inerfering with my noctgernal sleep




23:52 Apr 30 2012

Seems like he needs to stop sleeping in school. x_o

01:18 May 01 2012

its no like i kneed it are anythan

01:46 May 01 2012


13:57 May 06 2012

i am so tiered of grmr


21:14 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 1,267

While I did my ritual yesterday morning as the sun rose, I plan a bonfire tonight for Beltane. 1st of May.

Happy May Day!


Time to get dancing, body moving as the earth wakes up.



21:21 Apr 30 2012

Merry Festival of Beltane!

22:09 Apr 30 2012

Happy May Day. Have fun dacing around that pole.

22:59 Apr 30 2012

Happy mayday hun x


20:02 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 1,272

After many booking then cancel - we finally start on the 4 day office move for the Forest Service in a small community called Red Bird.

The estimate was for 4 men- one of the guys has a buddy... you know how that usually works out.

And due to their many booking we have only three days.

So.. let's see how this turns out.

Sure it will go well... *cross fingers*



20:12 Apr 30 2012

Titty Sprinkles is crossing it's fingers for you.



15:44 Apr 28 2012
Times Read: 1,110

Went over to check on Cat last night as she has pulled her back. Ended up she and her sister helped me pick the two photos for the Photographic show that is coming up at the local library.

After much debate we went to two local stores to try and find a mat for them. Yes- the rules state they have to be matted. And after the big deal made out of it in the last show, I wanted to. Think about it is this town doesn't really have a frame shop. So it is Dollar Store frame buying.

Unless you go out to the flea market. *shivers in fear* Talk about a crowd. And as I have to work today for a few hours for the rental, I wasn't looking forward to it.

So after a hour we go back home, mat less. Only to have Cat think... we got nice frames here, right size. Let's tear into them and let her use those mats. And we did. lol Children photos went out, and mine got the mats.

And I have to say... and yes I am going to say it.. but... They look good. I mean... as in really good. :D

I have never framed or even matted any of my photos till now. These look like ones you would hang on the wall dang it. :)

The show only takes up to 175 photos, and the judges pick the ones they will show per category. Just hope they pick one of my two to show. That alone will be all I wish for, that they was good enough to show. :)



19:39 Apr 28 2012

I'm sure they are wonderful, how exciting!

19:04 Apr 29 2012

Do you guys not have Michael's there somewhere? I do all my framing myself (check out Cat's b-day present from the last time I came down) all of which I got from Michael's. And if push comes to shove, they do framing as well.

01:20 Apr 30 2012

We do- 60 miles away, 120 round trip.


18:30 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 1,127

You are seriously effecting my calm, little fuckers.

*this in regards to the Forest Service that has fucked up my bookings for the last month trying to deal with a 4 day office move*

And it is the construction company that is letting them run the show. God damn it man = tell them if they don't want to fucking move all those desk, filling cabinets down the stairs on their own to get to packing.

Grow a pair dude... for fuck sake.

I know I am working for you but.. well.. you have not step into Red Bird soil yet. Might not want to get too high on that horse city boy.




01:31 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 1,141

Thinking I need a trip... away. And really really want to go back to Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum.

Funny- they have a all day tour on 9/23, the day before my birthday.

But it is on Sunday, and fuel would be a small fortune




01:42 Apr 27 2012

if i lived close, i would share the gas price to take the trip with you. sounds like a nice trip to do.

03:36 Apr 28 2012

You could always grit your teeth and jump on a plane to visit us. Josh will take you to all the waterfalls and scenic places in the area.


23:19 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 1,148

Work started at 6:00am, but it went well, the office move moving right along at a good pace.

Even the call with the cost to fix the truck, parts.. did not put a dent in my day. It hurt, trust me it hurt, but I can either fix the motor or have it towed in and sit. It just depends on if it is worth fixing a truck VS how much we really use it.

Then home to a small movie run, just a hour.

Come home finally after 12 hours to sit, kick off my shoes, turn on the TV.... and my fire alarm goes off. I live in a trailer, they are electric. I smell something burning, but felt the walls, the outlets, went outside in the rain, lightening, and nothing. The odor lifted up so...??? Sitting here, watching the air... the alarm stop ringing after I open the door a little to let some fresh air in....

And the tornado warning starts on the TV.




17:44 Apr 27 2012

*fingers crossed* Be safe please.


01:36 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 1,158

I came home to a letter from the library about a Photo Show in the second week of May. Cost is nothing to enter. And it is being held by a local bank. The same show that I won 2nd place when I was 14 years old.

Think I will enter two shots, the limit. Just I don't have time to get larger prints done. And I want to matt these two, even if they are only 8/10's.

I need to work on that Saturday- have to get Cat to help as they limit it to only the surrounding areas, and I have to make sure I don't use one out of that area.

I also need to get them matted. Trip to the flea market, there use to be a frame shop there that can help me with the mats.

So I have a lot to do Saturday- the drop off is next weekend.

Be cool to get some work out there, local. :D



03:56 Apr 26 2012

Yah! Go for it!

And I agree...get some local exposure for sure!

10:07 Apr 26 2012

Good luck with that. Hope we get a sneak preview ;-)


22:36 Apr 24 2012
Times Read: 1,179

What a day...

I say that but really it has been a good day. :)

If you take out the truck breaking down and the tow bill.

And the repair that looks to be a nice little sum.


It was a good day.

Damn it- it was a good day.

*tries to convenience myself*



23:09 Apr 24 2012



19:47 Apr 24 2012
Times Read: 1,193

I guess that fake phone call on cam didn't work out the way you was thinking, huh?



21:58 Apr 24 2012

LOL since i wasn't there... let me guess. it rang?

00:11 Apr 25 2012



14:49 Apr 21 2012
Times Read: 1,213

So it is Saturday and I sit in my living room after cooking a big breakfast. I had looked forward to that meal and it was so good.


Now to rest for a few then start my housework, laundry already going. Need to do some hard cleaning today, not done so in a few weeks. Mop, clean the tub. And to take the time to clean my alters.

Then it is over to Cat's to watch movies if that is still the plan. :)

This week has been good at work, slow start of the week but ended with a bang as far as hours of paid work for the moving company. Yeah! And the next three weeks are booked with some bigger jobs, long hours. Almost like the old times when we had work. :D Half of me is looking forward to it- knowing some bills will get caught up on. Half of me is like.... about the time I am ready to say "I give!" and close as the only people who are making money is the insurance, phone, alarm, and electric companies with us open - it seems to be picking up.

Guess we will wait and see. I am trying to not pay myself even the three months I had last year to build up the cash flow, with the last of the military billing gone thru. Those payments are done... now it is to see if we can meet the bills on just local moves.

Let's face it- if you had to move today, could you pay a mover? Most can't. The upcoming jobs are office moves if that tells you anything. And we still haven't done but one local move since I have been driving- always a town or more away.

I would worry but I don't see the other local mover truck out either. So... just trying to be as nice as we can to the customers, see if we can drum up business on word of mouth. It is how we have been getting the out of town jobs. "So and so said you moved them..." "I asked around and you move .."

But today is cleaning day, having some fun, and enjoying my alone time for a while. Working around the stress of moving for customers and their family, the three men.... I am so enjoying my time alone.

So that is where I have been of late, will be in the next few weeks. All is good, family is well, and hanging in there. :)

Over and out.



15:22 Apr 21 2012

It's going to be fun too :)

15:57 Apr 21 2012

I think that it is not that people can't pay movers I think it is more that they cannot buy a house - or afford to move at all. I am sure that as soon as the market picks up a bit your business will too.

Have a fun weekend. :)


22:18 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 1,252

Only Cancer can call ya on the carpet for making a mistake and leave you not feeling too bad. He has the manners of an southern man.




23:51 Apr 20 2012

You made a booboo?


00:03 Apr 21 2012

Nah, she just wants to be under him.


uh I'm gonna stop before I make that statement soooo much worse ;)

00:17 Apr 21 2012


And yes- I make mistakes. :)

01:00 Apr 21 2012


hugs. we are only human

04:00 Apr 21 2012

I love it when he gets into spanking mode.


12:44 Apr 18 2012
Times Read: 1,281

I got my 6 year batty today. :)

So far since I logged into this site, trying to get a profile *my first* made up.

I was 39... thus the VampireWitch39.


Come a long way on the site since then, in my life. Yeap= VR is part of my life in a strange way.



13:02 Apr 18 2012

but you love us... even if we are werid. :D

glad you are the one that didn't disapparer like so many has.

quietly superglues you to the chair.... (evil laughs, now your never allowed to leave.... HAhahahahaha)


13:18 Apr 18 2012


14:24 Apr 18 2012

It has been that long already???? Geez.........you are OLD.......:)

19:24 Apr 18 2012

This from a birdy with gray feathers... :P


Hey- superglue is playing unfair. :D

20:58 Apr 18 2012

unfair??? :P

looks inacent.

22:34 Apr 20 2012

And you are still here...damn woman :P Congrats!

23:50 Apr 20 2012

I always wondered what 39 meant...

But I was raised not to ask a lady her age, and since I thought it might have to do with that... I never asked.

See? Patience is something I learned well. ;)


I plan on making it to (and after) my 6 year batty. It'll be 4 years, this December for me. ;)

I'm glad you have stuck around. Or Emerson wouldn't have an "Auntie Rat"... Or the other name he calls you since he still can't say Rat right, yet.


15:22 Apr 21 2012

You deserve every "batty" you get too :)


20:06 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 1,306

Reading some post in the main forum makes me think we are surrounded by lawyers, insurance agents or preachers.

Never seen so many words to not say a damn thing.

So much backtracking.



21:20 Apr 17 2012


21:21 Apr 17 2012

What cracks me up is those people who claim governmental conspiracy in the middle of a thread about vampires...wtf? LOL

03:09 Apr 18 2012

Hey LOOK! It's Elvis *points over your shoulder*


19:14 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 1,309

Used my own clearing ritual last night, and felt better this morning. Then a small job that went well, easy in and out.

To come back and have the customer for the end of the month tell me she is 'thinking' about changing her dates, after I have turned down a three day office move that wanted those dates.

And the roofer that was to fix the roof in two days called to say he didn't think he wanted to do it. Since it is 30 feet up in the air, he just didn't think he could do it. What? Roofers don't do heights???!!

*cuss words*

So we search for another roofer... that will not cost me a arm and a leg. He had been the cheapest, and does work for me a lot. Painting, roofing on homes, repairs. Heck- he even patched the damn roof before.


*takes a deep breath*

Time for go home and cook a late lunch, and remember I am blessed. Even with a leaking roof.




18:05 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 1,322

Monday = what a day.

Got the good news of the clutch is needing replaces, but adjusted for now. Warn it would not hold long and cost is around a thousand.

Then just about the time I sat down in the office I got served by the sheriff with papers. Seems I am being sued for over two thousand for a claim. Woman is freaking nuts, crazy. And all this over a bill that ... if you read my journal the old woman that I let divide her bill up since she was on SSI? The one that carpet or flooring wasn't done at the new apartment? Had to put the items in the two rooms after waiting over a hour for those rooms to get carpet down? Seems she has damage, and the whole 4 hours the items was in my truck it grew mold. Ruined everything.

I never called, or asked her for the rest of her payment- which is 105.00 by the way- because it was just bad luck the apartment wasn't ready. I mean- she was giving a key so really it was the landlords problem. I never sent or called her for the rest of the money, was just going to write it off.... untill she seems it is right to sue me for some crazy ass shit like that?

Insurance man and me are still having issues on the roof, CPA got his dozen questions answered on the day before even tho I worked winter and had my taxes on his desk over a month ago...

Then the driver who has been off work for a pulled muscle. I called to check on him and he said he was doing better, but did not think he was coming back to work. His back, knees and shoulders feel so much better not doing the work so.. sorry.

So that was a call into the insurance company, see what is to be done about the claim. But I understand, reason my back is in the shape it is, knees. Just can't see me hiring a driver in with the little work I have, we are lucky to get 20 hours a week. Guess I will keep driving, the extra man in my car behind me. I just have to do the driving but by the time I drive back to the office- not worth it. So I help what I can, and keep the customer company. Just cuts into my time for 'office' and other work that needs done each day like paying and sending out bills, returning calls to try and get the jobs.


Just meet a man to make a estimate to move his Aunt's items out of an nice old folks apartment. Sitting there waiting for him, his Aunt died last week, and seeing all the older folks with the little strollers, carts, slowly making their way down the hallways to eat in the dinning hall.

That is what is to become of my life, if I am lucky. So much worry for so little return it seems. So much stress for nothing, in a way. Food on the table, bills paid. That is just what I want now, why is it so much work for it? When you don't get paid... really why do it?



18:42 Apr 16 2012

*hugs* I hope it turns around soon.


00:58 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 1,331


First thing take a truck to a town about 30 miles away to get a clutch worked on, looked at. Hope it doesn't have to be replaces. Hope it a self adjustment one that I just don't get how to reset it.

Then back to the office by 11:00 to make a few phone calls, get packing out for customer who wants to buy, make copies of the keys for the rental house, pull out the rent sign from the yard, run a vacuum and clean the toilet one last time. Write up a lease.

Then back to get the truck if I have to leave it as job for Tuesday for it.

Then a few calls to the roofer, order the roofing in for Thursday/ Friday repairs to start. Get it in, go pick it up and bring it so it will be ready for them.

Then return a few calls about some billing I did, needing more paper work that I seemed to of not sent in. --.-- Funny how they lose paperwork when it comes time to pay.

Need to make a quick trip to the store- out of a few things for all the family, then meds stop at the drug store.

And call to the CPA who has questions on the taxes. He always wait to the last second, or gets a extension. He can have it on his desk in May and he still waits till the 15th. *sigh*

Sure others will hit me Monday once I get to work but that is what I got going on right off. :) No work on the books, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to do. Always something to do.

Wow- I have wrote a lot in my journal today. O.o Must be the steroids meds for the poison ivy. I do have a clean house, laundry done. And thinking I might start on that cross stitch kit.




23:16 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,343

Wrote a story in my journal back in August 2011 about a old abandoned house I saw in a little town call Albany Ky. Still want to go back, get into the 4 or 5 homes I saw from the road. One I wrote into that story of a old two story house that sat on a hill, the rutted driveway showing how long it had been since anyone had visit the home.

I had dreams of that home- where the story came form. But my mind put in a garden gate I had seen months before, and a Formica table in a old kitchen.

The garden gate I had seen in person- just never posted the photo till I found it in photobucket, and how it brought that story back to mind. Not the best photo, raining, washed out. Guess that is why I never shared it but it stayed with me it seems as I wrote it into a story.

Then I remember the kitchen of the home that garden gate had shared-- with no table.

And a kitchen with said table I found just the a few days ago. Creepy in a way, thinking about it.

For the story I wrote about the table that my grandmother use to have, along with the old kitchen, in the story back in August. Her kitchen just seemed to fit into that house, in my mind.

Funny how memories and images take your mind to places in dreams. And how sometimes they can go to darker places as the dream of that home that I still have not went into did. In my minds eyes I can see it, not saying it will be anything like I dream it will. Changes are it will not be half of what my dreams have made it into being.

But I have to get to that home, it still calls to me months later. Just one of those Saturday you tell Cat you will pick her up around 5:00 am, drive about three hours, spend all day in old homes, buildings, and get back home around dark. :)

I have three of those days planned, when we get the right time to do them.



23:33 Apr 15 2012

What a great entry.

02:52 Apr 19 2012

I have a table, similar to that, that my grandmother had in her kitchen. It's a little sad - these abandoned homes. It makes me wonder what happened to the people who used to live there.


22:31 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,349

I am giving up. After looking for about two hours in photobucket I can't find the photos we took of Otter on her first trip here. I kick myself about not getting photos of Birra and her when they both were here... but I can't even find the ones Birdy took the first time she visit us.


I bet my ass the next time she comes there will be a photo taken with my camera, so I will have it. And the next time Birra is with us.

I want share them in my port dang it. :(




20:36 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,363

Someone dear to me asked about Wiccan, and the path. Not many ask me about this part of my life but I do practice. Have for many years. Not many people know it as the area I live in is not open to anything but the standard beliefs. One store that sold herbs in town was closed within a year, and when a 'free age' man came to town to try and get members he was picked and the town had a meeting about the sinner. So I keep it close to my chest.

But I wanted to share what I sent to this member, who is having a hard time in life. Maybe it can help more then one person. :) The ritual for calming, for some clarity in life is as follows.


First- do you know your quarters? East, South, North and West? If you know the direction the sun comes up in that would be East. Straight across will be West, the sunset side. Facing East- the direction to your right is South, left is North. Or if you don’t know the quarters yet in your home, we can work around that for now.

What does it take to do a ritual? Two things really. The right mind set and time. For a calming ritual I start with a straighten home. I mean- dishes in the sink would bother me so I prep the area. I do some in my bedroom, my alter I leave up is there. I dust, might run the vacuum as I think of what is coming up.

Then candles. While the standard candles is red for South, blue for West, green for North, and yellow for East. You can use white if you need to, white covers everything. Kind of like a go to color on candles.

Now- a shower with some music playing. As the water runs over your body see it as cleaning off the everyday problems and issues. You are getting ready to make and step into a spiritual rite, clam your mind and clean your body.

Then it is time. Time- phones off, tv off, soft music playing in dim lights on. Make your place as silent as you can. Yes- you will hear the doors slamming outside, talking of neighbors, but with practice you can tone those out.

So what next? Some do the ritual in the nude, or soft loose clothing. I have been known to do both, even use a black flowing dress that I keep just for rites. I use a soft perfume that I love, lilac, just for this time. Soft music playing from chants, to just jazz. The music that fits your mood is the one you want to use. Remember the goal- calming.

Then I go to my area, making sure it is big enough to fit what I need. You will need a center table, or a table to the side. A chair or couch to sit on. In my living room I use my foot stool, tables and set my quarter’s candles in each corner of my living room. In my bedroom I do the same, sitting on the edge of the bed. Some sit on the floor but I am in pain on the floor so I don’t do. I plan to stay in this circle for at least ½ a hour- you can’t calm your mind when your knees and back are hurting.

Now- list of what you need. To start with- the candles and holders for the quarters, then the main alter. A spirit candle in a holder. I use a small cauldron I purchased online, but any holder will do. I use white. A gold and silver candle for the God and Goddess. Silver for her, gold for him. Don’t worry- white candles work too. Tall, short or even tea lights.

You place the main alter up with the god candle on the right side, center the spirit candle, and the left is the goddess candle. If you don’t have any gold or silver candle- some cloth on the alter of those colors would be good. Then you need a cookie, and a drink in a nice glass. If you have a special kind of drink that you don’t drink much… I use wine. But even just plain water would work.

Now the ritual you have hand wrote on a piece of paper of a dairy if you have one. Don’t worry if you don’t. You can rewrite it into a book (this is what a book of shadow is) later when you get one. The words need to be in your own hand, give it a personal touch. I don’t like type or printed out rituals. Hand writing puts your own energy into it, and it sets your mind to what you are doing. I usually write my ritual in my book after my shower, before I cast my circle as I relax with the music.

There is a lot more you can add to your alter, but for now this is a great start. If you have incense, you can burn some. If you have a pentagram you can put it on the alter- or make one out of string, just lay it out. You can make the alter as much as you want or as little. It is up to you, and it will grow as you do. Just don’t feel you have to have it all right now. That is why they say a year is what it takes to be a witch, to learn, get the feel, buy or make what you wish for your alter. This simple alter is all you really need to start.

So we got the written ritual laying on the alter, the candles, the drink and snack. You need a small plate with salt, a glass of water you can put your fingers into. You need enough light to read by, but not to take the …dare I say…magical feel away. You also need a white candle that should be different from the rest- and one you can burn several times. Or- a tea light in a special holder, something that sets it apart form the rest. This is your spell candle.

Now- we start. Take several calming breaths and stand, go to the Alter and light your incense if you have any. Hold your right hand, power hand if you are right handed, over the salt and say “I clean this salt in the name of the god and goddess.” Hold, in you mind see a light hit the salt from your hand. Then move to the water glass. “I clean this water in the name of the god and goddess.” Same light. Now take a three pinches of salt “In the name of the sprite, god and goddess.” and add to the water, stir with your finger. You start in the East and wet your fingers, flick some water out as you walk you circle. “I clean this space for my rite. I clean it of anger, stress, unwanted and unneeded bad energy I have brought into my space. I clean myself *flick some of the salt water onto your face, your own body* and open my soul to the God and Goddess.”

You should of circle the area by then, and will set the glass back on the alter. The area is cleaned and ready.

Now to cast your circle. Sit your lighter and book on the alter and stand in the middle of the circle. Lower your hands down to your side, palm open and close your eyes. See a light start at your feet and move up as you slowly bring your arms up, to the ceiling.

“I cast this circle, seal it with my own power added to yours. I know it is an honor you are with me, and lean me your powers. As I clap my hands- the circle is sealed.”

You clap, and know it is sealed. Some animals, like cats and dogs can come into the circle- as they are ones you trust. Can a person? Yes- we are talking energy. They will break the circle, like stepping into an electrical field. But I see the circle as a safe place to contact, open yourself to the spiritual side. And helps you to keep it controlled as far as what you let into it.

Now to call the quarters and their power to you.

Go to the East and light the candle as you say something like…

I call upon the power of the East, I call upon your power of insight and clarity. Be with me during my rite.”


I call upon the power of the South, I call upon your power of passion, creativity. Be with me during my rite.”


I call upon the power of the West, I call upon your power of cleaning and intuition. Be with me during my rite.”


I call upon the power of the North, I call upon your power of stability, prosperity and grounding. Be with me during my rite.”

Now you go to the alter and light the spirit candle. This I see as my connection to past witches, and witches of today. I light it with words like

“I light this candle in honor of all before me, and with me. To those who died and live in love of the gods and goddess.”

Then the candles-

God, gold, first.

“I light this candle in the name of the god. I ask you to be with me during my rite, to help me and guild me in my life.”

Goddess, silver, next.

“I light this candle in the name of the goddess. I ask you to be with me during my rite, to help me and guild me in my life.”

Lighter down, and step back.

“I ask for the powers that be to help me ask I face.. *here is where you say what you wish- tell them what you need.* I ask for your insight, your understanding and healing powers to help me during this time in my life.”

You take the white candle- white is for cleanings, purity. Take some of the salt water and wipe the candle with it, as you say

“I clean this candle, wishing to use it for a spell of charity, of guidance. I light this wick knowing the energy released will bring me help, understanding, and strength as the God and Goddess sees fit.”

Hold the candle, sit with it. Maybe sing with the music, dance, chant even. A small chant like…

God and Goddess be with me

Show me the way, show me the path

God and Goddess be with me

In love and peace, blessed be.

Good chant to start low, then build it up, feel it build as you chant, letting your voice raise and flow into the candle. Power it with your wishes, your energy to bring it to you, as you hold it in your hands.

Then sit it on the alter, light it, and understand it will take your own power to bring you what you want in life. You have to help change come about. But you will be helped now, watched over. Eat your food, drink. Heck- I read poems to the god and goddess. Just spend time, let them know you. Talk to them.

When you are ready to close the circle you step to the alter, and either you can leave the white candle burning for a while or put it out for now. If you wish to put it out, say something like …

‘I think you god and goddess for your guidance. As I light this candle each day, giving myself time to think about the changes I want in my life, I honor you and your power.”

Goddess candle-

Thank you goddess for being with me during my rite. I thank you, and ask you to watch over me as I go forward with my life with you in it.

God candle-

Thank you god for being with me during my rite. I thank you and ask you to watch over me as I go forward with my life with you in it.


I thank you for being with me. Witches of old, magical powers of the past, present and future. Thank you for being with me during my rite.

Candles- You go backwards so North first-


Thank you power of the North, for being with me during my rite. Grateful am I for your power you shared with me.”


Thank you power of the West, for being with me during my rite. Grateful am I for your power you shared with me.”

South and East the same, just change the directions.

Now to close the circle. Stand in the center of the circle with your eyes closed and hold your hands together over your head, and slowly lower them, palms out, to your sides as you say…

“I release the power of the circle, giving the energy raised to my spell. And to help heal the earth during these storms, to help the animals in need. With the gods I send it to those in need. Blessed be.

See the light lower, and disappear at your feet.

The circle is closed.

And your first rite is done.

Now- don’t think it is over. You got work to do. If you can leave the alter up, the white spell candle is your focus point. You need to set aside a few minutes a day to, if not a ritual, which I don’t do everyday, but to just sit, music on, and concentrate on your goal, your spell as you let the candles burn.

Let’s say just before bed you go to the alter, the home quiet, maybe some music playing, the TV and computer off. You light the spirit candle with simple words like-

I light this candle in honor of those who came before me, who share and will share in the powers of the gods.

God candle-

I light this candle in honor of the god, to bring him into my life, to guild me in strength.

Goddess candle-

I light this candle in honor of the goddess, to bring her into my life, to guild me in love.

Then the spell candle.

I light this candle to bring me …..(you made the candle, cast its spell, danced , chanted with it. You know what you asked for, just reinforce it here)

Sit, even if it is just for a few minutes. It forces your mind, you power on your goal. I do this in the dark, and chant the same chant I did for the spell. Then you put the candles out with a thank you.

Spell candle-

I send my energy, ask you to add your own God and Goddess. With harm to none, including me, blessed be.

Spirit- I thank you for your power, the power of all the quarters and elements.

God- I thank you god for the power you give my life, as I face these troubled times.

Goddess- I thank you goddess for the power you give my life, as I face these troubled times.

Blessed be!

Do this each night, and use the chant at work when you just need to clear, clam your mind. Of course never leave a candle burning. And some say you should remember your rite, not use the paper. I don’t do that, I carry my book to the each corner and read from it. The gods don’t care if you read from a book- they care that you come to them with a true heart and a humble soul.

Reason I don’t think you need all the tools they push, have to have everything all at once. It has taken me years to get to where I understood that, and a book case of items I feel a tie to for my rituals. That takes time, and as your grow in this path, you will understand.

If you decide the path is not right for you- then you only lost a few candles.

I am open to any questions you have but understand- this is just an outline. Your own words will add power to this rite, so feel free to change it. There is no wrong way to talk to the gods, no matter what the standard religion tells you.




02:47 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,381

Got the blanket sewed up, repaired. I know it is silly as this blanket is old, worn. I have a nice bedspread that matches the curtains in my room folded in my closet but I seem to always just leave this blanket take the show. Even when company comes I don't pull out that matching bedspread and pillow.

Looking at it as I sewed I realized it was sewn by a machine. But with skill. And I recall where I got the blanket.

Winter, cold day, snow on the ground. I went to make a estimate in town, and I had been wearing coveralls as I had been outside all morning. I pulled them off before I got into my pickup, and drove the few minutes to the home. A older woman open the door to me, and started the fuss about me not having a coat on. Seems she was concern I would freeze to death those few minutes standing on her door step.

We moved her a few weeks later and on the delivery she gave me that blanket. Nothing special but I tried to tell her I had plenty of blankets. But she told me she could not stand the idea of me being cold. I took the blanket as she would not take No for a answer.

So I kept it, use it. And patched her work up so I am able keep it for many years more. :) Anyone else would see a plain blanket but I see it as a caring woman who wanted me to keep warm.



02:51 Apr 15 2012

That's a warming story. I am smiling because I can imagine the warmth it gives you, not only physically but in a mental and emotional sort of way, too.

A caring stranger worried about the potential risk of another stranger getting sick. ♥

04:11 Apr 15 2012

Its people like that that gives me that small glimmering hope of people CAN be kind to each other. Blessed be to kind hearted people.

04:50 Apr 15 2012

You may like the snow, but its nice to know that even casual aquaintances are looking out for you.


21:12 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 1,394

Just cooked some creamy mashed tatters, butter melting on top. Season floured fried steak, with grave made from the goodness let in that pan. And some sweeted onions in butter olive oil.

And after all that cooking..

All I want to eat is the tomatoe I cut up to go with it.


Guess it is left overs for Sunday. Got a whole chicken to do Sunday too. Thinking rosemary herb, some garlic.

Dang shot- can't keep still, cooked to keep my hands busy. Moving on to sewing on my blanket that is coming loose at the edges, and mabye start a cross stich fall kit I pulled out. Maybe, my eyes are still a little whonkey.



21:45 Apr 14 2012

How do you cook your rosemary herb chicken?


20:24 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 1,404

House is rented! Yeah! Lady in her 50's, single, no kids. :D And been at her job for years, and loves the place. She passed all the checks yesterday and came just now to pay the deposit to hold till she moves in.

And Dr. gave me a shot in the butt, and meds for the next week or so for the poison ivy. Not a fan of the needle but my eyes have eased off on the burning.



20:30 Apr 14 2012

Y-ouch! Hope you feel better.

21:46 Apr 14 2012

...so I can't bite your bum for a while then, huh?


I'm glad the burning has eased up a bit.


15:07 Apr 14 2012
Times Read: 1,414

Well fuck. Woke up to poison ivy on my hand, up my arm, and my face is hot, eyes burning.

Guess it is trip to the Dr. office. If I can find one open that is.

And a hangover.




15:32 Apr 14 2012

Wish you well with that as I know how unpleasant it is.


23:45 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 1,453

You have been THROTTLED.

You are trying to send too many messages through the Message Center in too short an amount of time.

I sent two in a row you damn thing...

*takes another drink*

Fine- I will just hand out my honor...drunk.

Wish you had a profile system. I would throttle your little white ass...


White ass..




00:07 Apr 14 2012

I think The System is just kinky :-p

01:23 Apr 14 2012

didn't know it was a white ass... thought it was slightly tanned........

01:58 Apr 14 2012

Everybody wants to fuck the system and suddenly I'm kinky? :P

02:00 Apr 14 2012

Wait.. I don't have any tan lines!

TMI'd your comments, sorry VW. xD


20:34 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 1,462

Come on 5:00 pm... I got a water melon slushie and rum.




23:13 Apr 13 2012

Enjoy your drink sugar and go to bed early to make up for last night.

01:22 Apr 14 2012



19:40 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 1,481

Got a run tonight. Leaving at 10:00 pm for a pickup at midnight, back home by 2:00 am, then back on the road by 8:00. Should be back in town around 3:00 pm.

Thing is- I am back tracking. Almost 150 miles coming back home.

Trying to decided if it is worth taking a blanket, and sleeping in the car. It is going to be cold tonight but I have done it before. Hurts my back, my knees but... saves a tank of fuel.

I could take my time, drive about, find some old buildings maybe...

*gets her blanket, camera bag and gun ready*

Now if I could just 'talk' myself into a nap, tell myself I am getting sleepy...very sleepy.




00:42 Apr 13 2012

Very very sweepy...

03:28 Apr 13 2012

Wow...be safe, and listen to some rad tunes - lol!


13:06 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 1,495

A mouse is dead this morning.

*hums taps as she stands over the trap*



13:41 Apr 12 2012

Not like that in Tom & Jerry :-p

14:53 Apr 12 2012

first thing that comes to mind is....

lunch is served.........

18:52 Apr 12 2012

*bows head* It's a wonderful loss to the rodent community.


22:36 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 1,508

Just got done watching Justified season ending.

"Man in a hat, pointing a gun is all he saw."

What a wonderful way to end this season.

Such great story lines.




21:26 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 1,537

Watching a man on the TV News talking about Walmart Store in DC, how they shut them out from putting in 6 stores in the next two years. Walmart has put 5 stores on hold due to the local upraise. He thinks Walmart should be union in labor.

Really? Union in this economy is not really something you should push. It is not something to push in many years as the country tries to find its footing again, I think.

The local store here you hear complaints about, part time to keep the health benefits out. But the disputations center here is one of the highest paid jobs in town, and you work your ass off.

But how much do you think the 'Lowest Prices" will last if you pay someone $14.00 union labor rate to stock the shelf vs $7.25? That would turn the smiley face smile upside down, and the stock would drop like crazy. Face it- they would have to raise the prices. Yes- they make a huge profit, but do you think they are going to share any of it? No- they will raise the prices. And what? You going to go someplace else? And that someplace else will go "Gosh- we need to raise our prices.. no reason to be the lowest. They *meaning you and me* will pay what we want, as they NEED it."

Now I am not a huge fan of the store- try my best to stay out of it. I buy at Dollar Store, Family Dollar, and a local IGA/Kroger stores. And some local owned business in this town went out when Walmart came into the picture. I mean- how can you compete with them?

But the idea of making them union .... wow. People can't afford their bills now as it is.



00:03 Apr 10 2012

buy seeds. i am. hierloom seeds at that. look up the seeds to know why hierloom seeds.

01:51 Apr 10 2012

Common sense should be the rule in times like these but sadly it's not even considered.


20:48 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 1,551

Driving by a rental house when I notice the yard. Side yard was plowed up. O.o Ok... and you asked about that ... when?

But then I would have a garden if my own yard was not full of gravel from an old road.

Still... that is going to be a pain in the ass to fix when he moves.

But as he has two kids, wife taking off work with the birth of the newest a few months ago, you can understand why he is planting/growing his own food.




20:29 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 1,555

Meeper sent me snow! Ok ok.. it was in a can, but still. :D

And chocolate eggs.

And all it took was a shake of the voodoo doll. Or the promise to stop shaking the doll so the snow would end.


Thanks Meeper.



21:30 Apr 09 2012

Please stop shaking it. We have snow up here...again :(

22:26 Apr 09 2012

:p when I saw that I knew it was destined for you.


00:27 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 1,570

If you go over to Nightgame journal you see a photo she posted of the dollhouse. We worked a few hours on it Friday night and had some fun.

The gingerbread house looks huge, but really it was as small as we *meaning Cat* could handle and work on it. I did the candy cane post, the red berries on the roof. For a first attempt it is not bad. The wreath on the table was made by me, the candle by Cat. The fur blanklet Cat cut and worked on.

On the black table you see a attempt at a apple pie. LOL I made one, and it was way way way too big. So her sister told me to cut it down. I did, ruined the crust of the 'pie' so it came out more as a tart. Well... a large tart.


I plan a halloween gingerbread house for the Halloween one so we will have another chance on making one more. Might be fun to try and make a smaller one tho...mmm.

The icing was fun, sticky as hell but fun. I have no clue how people make windows out of it, without smearing it... yeap, might have to try and make another one.

Roof, a window image, and it is done really. Time to start filling jars, setting it up.

What is not in the photo is the tree, some more food we made, and the gingerbread men for the tree/ cookie tray.

Not much longer and we can show it completed.

Since I know where she keeps her photos online- I am posting them here too.




22:08 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 1,578

Had a makeup look in mind for this afternoon using one of the seveal mask Cat got me for Yule. The colors of dark blue, lime, hot pink, with a touch of silver.

When I started the hunt to find the right blue shade I decided to clean out my makeup. Been a long time coming, and need to field out the copies/ same shades/ and just the ones I don't like anymore.

Then I moved on to the wigs, fake lashes.

Safe to say Otter is getting a package in the mail next week.

And I had to wash my sheets, loose makeup shadow got all over my sheets.

The makeup look? Well I pulled out the right shadows, colors. Maybe at some point this week I can take a hour to play.


Had enough makeup today after sorting, cleaning up my makeup chest.




00:22 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 1,614

Anyone know about trains? I was sitting in the car, watching one cross the tracks today and wonder...why do they have more then one engine? The one today had three.

So does the first one, the only one with a driver, the one pulling the train? What are the other ones for? Then I started to think- they wouldn't be there unless they are being used. More weight to pull, wear and tear on the equipment.

So I kind of answer my own question- they do get used. But are they used all the time? And why no drivers? I mean.. I know it follows the first engine, but what if something happens to one of them? Something goes wrong? Why no drivers?

Listening to the train it really only sounded like the first engine was running.

Anyway it was one of those things that made me think. Might have to get a library book on trains soon as I am almost done with the Eve Dallas series so I will be going back to the library next week for some books.



00:24 Apr 08 2012

I believe they do this when they have to be repaired or when an engine is needed in another yard. My guess it's cheaper to tow in the line than to run it to where it needs to go....

02:08 Apr 08 2012

I don't know much about trains, except what I see and what I have taken here in my state.

I know the "subway" and "commuter rail" trails have two engines. One on either end of the train. Instead of going in a circle, when most can't due to tracking, there is one on each end to be able to going in either direction. South bound trains are using the south bound engine, north bound engines are using the north bound one. Two engines for two different directions.

Hopefully that makes some sense?

02:12 Apr 08 2012

They do it when they have an extra heavy load, but they will have the others running. Sometimes they have two engines facing back to back - one going forward the other going backwards. This is easier when they go to switch tracks attach to another train. There are a lot of reasons why they do it. They only need the drivers when they go to switch them or use them directly. They can be put in a running gear. I don't know what it's called, but it's called something. It's kind of like a car in neutral but it has power.

02:13 Apr 08 2012

It does Ducky. :)

The train I am talking about the engines are all in front.

This is one I will have to read on, learn about.


02:32 Apr 08 2012

Thanks LKD- that is a lot of info. :)

04:51 Apr 08 2012

I have heard that they do this in case one fails and that more than one allows it to "get off its knees"..in other words,go faster.

04:54 Apr 08 2012

We always used to tell how long a train was going to be by the number of engines it had.The more engines,the longer it was.


19:25 Apr 07 2012
Times Read: 1,627

I was up early this morning and went to our local nursery to take photos, like I do each year of the flowers. Only to find it closed. Not just for the Easter weekend, but for always. The gates are locked, the green houses gone and the statues disappeared. The wooden cabin is still there, sitting empty it looked like. Sad- this place has been here as long as I have been alive.


It was such a great place to take photos of flowers. Only other place around here now is Lowes, and well.. that is half dead flowers at this store. I did take a few photos around town, but nothing worth looking at.

I did stop at a new bakery in town called Ganache, Gourmet Cupcakery to get a cupcake for the family for Easter. Oh my gods.... the one I had was red velvet and it was wonderful. $3.50 or so each, but they are large, and rich. Great treat. :)

Happy Spring everyone. :D



19:38 Apr 07 2012

Those are lovely!

MMMMMM cupcakes ;)

20:54 Apr 07 2012

Change is difficult, the flowers are beautiful :)

01:58 Apr 10 2012

They are not completely gone, their lawn service is still active and I'm pretty sure based on my last visit to Mom's grave that the cemetery has bought their location out and hopefully they'll be opening back up in a new place. *crosses fingers*


20:40 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 1,641

And my weekend is started. :D

Other then showing the house Sat/ Sunday- it is going to be a lazy one.

Time to go and try to make gingerbread men and house for the dollhouse tree.

I see rum needed by the time we deal with this 1/2 inch gingerbread house. lol




13:38 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 1,657

For a few weeks now we have been fighting a leak at the apartment. Since the tornado and the strong wind from that storm.

One patch, few sunny days, another patch, and another. Then we had a few days of rain and now I have a damaged sagging ceiling in a kitchen, and hallway.

Called the insurance company just now and placed a claim.

After a while you just accept repairs are not going to cut it- it needs replaced.

I just hate dealing with insurance folks. They act like I am trying to cheat them or something. He is going to be over today to 'check it out" "I will climb on the roof myself, and want to go inside to see this water damage." Ok- have at it dude.

And no- we don't place claims. Last one was a house fire 5 or 6 years ago. I am not the kind to call every time I get a leak or water in a basement.



14:41 Apr 05 2012

It sucks when they can't do their jobs without making it sound like they're your 3rd grade teacher, trying to make sure you're not cheating on a test.


20:28 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 1,687

So- when you go to the grocery store, do they ask you if you want help out? Now I have always taken it to mean- help out to the car. And I say no, even with a cart full. Because I have a small car and I usually have to put a seat down, straighten some things. So it is easier for me to put the bags in the car. Besides I have to unload the car when I get back to Mom's anyway. It is just part of the whole shopping joy.

So today- the new cashier lady ask and I said no like I always do. She give me this mean ass look...and then it dawns on me. To her at least, she ask if I want someone to help me bag my items and put them back in the cart.

I found this out as after I removed the $150.00 dollars of food, pulled forward to put the 6 cases of soda in the cart...and she gets my payment, and stood, waiting for me to bag and remove my food off her check out.


Seeing as she was new to me, and this is the usually store I shop at once a week/10 days for 4 people-- the next time anyone ask me if I want help out you can be damn sure I will say "Hell yes I do. At least bag it and put it in the cart."



20:40 Apr 04 2012

Holy shit!

I always understood that to mean help taking stuff out to the car too...

21:09 Apr 04 2012

SHIT, I thought they meant psychological care. I have to stop laying down on the belt...

21:24 Apr 04 2012

lol Gods... :D

02:20 Apr 05 2012

I worked at Rosauers Supermarket for 10 years before my stroke. That usually means help out to the car. The checker is supposed to bag your groceries if there isn't a "bag boy". She was just being a bitch.


20:05 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 1,690

Dear Today,

You sucked.






23:35 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 1,711

Anyone heard from Badger? Seeing the weather in TX- got me thinking of her.

Anyone talked to her this afternoon?



23:45 Apr 03 2012

Never mind- she just message me, and is fine.


00:51 Apr 04 2012

Boo, I was wondering the same thing. :(


23:57 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 1,730

Long freaking day. Had to go to bed early last night so I missed seeing the little hummingbird on cam. :(

Bed early tonight again for me- so I am not staying up to watch UK's game tonight that don't start till 9:00pm.

But don't worry Meeper, Cat- I am going to give the voodoo doll a good shake before I go to bed. Just can't stay up till midnight or so watching the game.

And beer for dinner is not that bad..... but for the headache I will have later.



01:58 Apr 03 2012

Thanks for shaki

02:00 Apr 03 2012

Danny phone... I was saying thanks for shaking that doll and we will cheer extra loud to off set the snoring from your place :)

21:55 Apr 03 2012

Hey! How did you know I snore? O.o Creepy much? lol

And I expect those eggs Missy.



19:44 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 1,778

Anyone else getting this?

Whelp profile-

I need to speak with u will u do the honor of makeing

Me in to a vampire plz I have the mark of the vampire

Here's my cell number if u want to talk about this


Really hoping this is someone doing a April Fools joke on me.



19:48 Apr 01 2012

If you get messaged again tomorrow you'll know it's not an April fool's joke. If the xxx's are 666's, think twice before responding!!

20:01 Apr 01 2012


that clearly narrows it down of so many 3 numbers you can put in there lol...



20:42 Apr 04 2012

I'm hoping that it's a joke too, because if it isn't, this is just so pathetic and sad.


01:22 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 1,374

WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK- I am calling in those chocolate eggs Meeper and Cat!!


*dances with her voodoo doll*



03:21 Apr 01 2012

Deal is for the tournament win. You have to keep that doll out for another round and i'll get you hooked up with the chocolate cadbury eggs.

15:10 Apr 01 2012

That was not the deal.... was it? Grrr... but I am working Monday. :P

18:41 Apr 01 2012

Are you still asking strangers at the burger joint what the score is, even though I am not there? lol


00:53 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 1,365

*shakes the voodoo doll drape in blue*




01:13 Apr 01 2012

I saw Meeper's offer and will up the bounty... I found you 2 whole boxes of those cadbury chocolate cream filled eggs and they're here right now. Hid up in the cabinet so the kids can't get them. SO SHAKE that voodoo doll!

01:19 Apr 01 2012

you do voodoo?

-checks if anything is missing- ouf nothing... oh wait just got some of my hair cut... darn...

please don't shake so much, I am getting all fuzzy and dizzy!!


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